New ManiaPark under development
Greetings Fellow Trackmaniacs!
We are happy to announce that we are actively working on a successor to TrackMania CarPark and ManiaPark. The downloadable content of both sites will be completely transferred to the new site, which merges the content of all games and will also offer sharing and download of files relevant for the new Trackmania.
Trackmania Carpark was a website dedicated to hosting 3D and 2D car skins for the Trackmania games that came out before ManiaPlanet. ManiaPark was a separate website for ManiaPlanet - or Trackmania 2 - content, which also hosted texture mods, 3D objects and custom game modes.
Unfortunately, the Park-websites were targeted by an attack in late 2021, which ultimately led to the sites being taken down as a security measure. Prior to that, there were also financial hurdles related to hosting the sites. And with the lack of active developers to update the codebase to a higher security standard, the future of the sites wasn't good.
From the ashes
Since late 2021, a joint task-force comprised of ManiaPark and ManiaExchange admins has worked together to ensure the sites have a future within the community. In collaboration, all data was secured and transferred, and a plan has been laid out for a return of the sites, integrated into the ManiaExchange ecosystem.
As of Summer 2022, all data has been transferred to ManiaExchange and work has officially started. We've made some progress, but it's still a long way to go until the pages are ready for the public.

The development team on ManiaExchange has achieved a lot this year: Most importantly they've finished up a completely new codebase for the older TM1X exchanges. They unfortunately will not be able to put the same hours into developing the codebase for a new ManiaPark.
We need your help
That's where you can help us. If you would like to be part of our highly skilled and motivated development team, extend your skillset and contribute to the awesome Trackmania community, please consider joining our development team.
Read the full description about the development position here (UPDATE: We have all the developers we need for now, so we've closed the page. Thanks).
If you cannot help with development, you're welcome to support our efforts with a donation through MX Support. The new site will require us to purchase more storage space to host the massive amount of files, which in turn affects our budget.
When will the new site come online?
We can't give a release date yet, but similar to the re-release of TM1X we will update you when we know more. Assume multiple months from now.