The new TM1X is completed

Greetings Fellow Trackmaniacs!
With excitement we are happy to announce the relaunch of the remaining Trackmania 1 Exchange sites, that were taken down approximately 7 months ago:
You will again have access to over 600,000 tracks created by the community, next to the replays, forum posts, messages and more. The sites come with the full suite of features you can also find on TMUF-X and TMNF-X.
As announced in our relaunch in february, a lot of things have changed since last time the pages were online. A lot of things were improved and may take a little getting used to. Some highlights:
- Support for Speed-Up maps
- New mobile friendly page design with dark mode
- Up to 5 high quality images can be added to your tracks
- Mass replay uploader
- Notifications
- User Avatars
- Custom Trackpacks using tracks on the page
- Play Later feature (basically to bookmark and .zip download tracks)
With the release of the remaining sites most of the major work is done. The developers will shift focus on repairing broken features, while crew keep the sites clean and tidy.
(Re)Connecting your account
To increase security and take advantage of features like two factor authentication, an MX account will need to be created or an existing one linked to your old TMX accounts. But this also gives the added benefit of only needing a single account for all of the sites.
If you need help setting up your TM1X account link, you can have a look at this guide. Join our Discord and create a support ticket in the channel #support-ticket, if you are unsuccessful with that.
We want to thank you for your patience. We are aware of the demand to quickly get access back to all of the content. However, we wanted to make sure we got it right - mainly to avoid taking these sites down another time.
Thanks for all the super cool creations you upload year after year! We look forward to seeing what crazy tracks you build next. Have fun!
Support our work
We are volunteering to provide you a platform to share content from our favorite game, Trackmania. We will keep offering all of our essential services for free, forever.
Please consider supporting our work. A part of it will pay server and domain costs, a part will go to our crew as compensation for their work. You will get access to these features on TM1X in return:
- Showcase on the frontpage of your newest tracks
- Mass downloader in the tracksearch
Thank you!
MX Crew