TM1X Header Contest
The new exchange sites for TM1X are currently in development and progress has been rapid. While keeping the core visuals similar, the sites underwent some major technical changes, mainly for security and performance. Therefore, also new header images are needed.

We want to allow the community to contribute in making these sites look fresh again. We decided to start a Header Contest in which you can support us with your creative skills. For each of the sites, we need new header images, similar to the one shown above this paragraph, but with some small changes to accommodate the new sites.
Content and Size of the header images
- Dimensions: 1960 x 200 px
- Format: PNG
- No texts, no logos (also not the tmx one) and no creator watermarks should be placed on the image
- Header image should include relevant game & environment
- Between the day and night version of your image, the scene should remain the same
The TMX logo will later be placed on the left via a HTML overlay and for multi-environment pages, we will place the environment logo on the right.
What header images are needed?
Header images are needed for the following sites:
- TMO-X: Trackmania Original Exchange
- TMS-X: Trackmania Sunrise Exchange
- TMN-X: Trackmania Nations Exchange
- TMUF-X: Trackmania United Forever Exchange
- TMNF-X: Trackmania Nations Forever Exchange
For each of these sites, we require one day and one night version of each header image per environment. That means e.g. 14 images for TMUF-X. There's an exception for TMN-X and TMO-X where only a day version is needed (these games don't have night mood), and for TMNF-X we'd like to have 3 to 5 for variety.
You do not need to submit a header for all of these sites, but we suggest - especially for the sites with multiple environments - to create a complete set for a site by yourself, for the sake of a consistent style.
Where can I submit them?
Join our Trackmania Exchange Discord and simply submit them as a .zip file. Feel free to share your progress and your creations with others at #header-contest
Deadline is February 6, 2022 at 23:59 CET
How will the winner be chosen?
TMX Crew will pick winning entries depending on the available submissions. Multiple winners might be chosen and the headers could be changed at a later point.
We will announce the winner(s) on Discord and Twitter.
**Edit (2022-01-23): Added info about where the TMX logo will be placed